Silver Plus Detail
The Silver Plus Detail is our most popular option with our Seattle, WA, clients and provides an executive detail at a reasonable price. It consists of a full detail with all services necessary to restore a vehicle from a very dirty state. The Silver Plus Detail service includes all of the features of the Silver Detail but also includes an interior sanitization, wheel coating, Rainex application, as well as the application of additional cleaning products. After the vehicle receives a deep exterior wash, the interior is thoroughly vacuumed and all surfaces are wiped down. The seats are cleaned and receive a coat of leather conditioner (if applicable). The leather conditioner softens the material and makes it easier to clean in the future. All crevasses throughout the interior are scrubbed and wiped with special tools to remove all dirt, gunk, and crumbs that accumulate from daily driving.
Silver Detail service averages 1.5 - 3 hours to complete.

Small / Medium Vehicle: (Coupe / Sedan): $300*
Large Vehicle (Truck / SUV): $350*
* Additional charges may apply for vehicles in need of excessive cleaning and/or detailing (interior and exterior).
DISCLAIMER: Nic's Mobile Detailing WILL NOT remove or re-install children car seats. Please remove all temporary car seats from the vehicle prior to the appointment time.
Need Detailing Services?
Contact the Experts at Nic's Mobile Detailing.
Call us at (206) 278-1667!